Wednesday 19 November 2014

Samsung to make ’80% of mobile processors used in Apple devices’ from 2016

With a slew of lawsuits having played out between Apple and Samsung over the last few years, it’s no secret the companies aren’t the best of friends in the public eye. But Samsung has continually manufactured Apple’s A-series SoCs that power iPhones and iPads. In recent months, it has been rumored that Apple has been looking at ways to move away from its dependence on Samsung for its mobile processors, but according to a new report, the Cupertino giant is still heavily reliant on its South Korean competitor and has completed a deal worth “billions of dollars” that will see Samsung mass-produce chips for future iPhones and iPads.
According to the report, Samsung will become the main supplier for Apple’s Ax chips, after losing out to TSMC, which was the major supplier for the iPhone 6. The Korean manufacturer will reportedly make around 80 percent of the processors to be used in Apple devices from 2016; if true, that would be a major win for Samsung, and could ensure that its profits don’t dwindle as much as they have when it comes to the company’s mobile division. As always, neither company is officially saying anything on the matter, but it’s likely Samsung’s huge position as a component manufacturer will not leave anywhere else for Apple to turn if it intends to keep using its own chips in iPhones and iPads.
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