Monday 3 November 2014

Samsung Galaxy S6 to launch in March 2015

The competition in the smartphone category has been so19 stiff that the Samsung Galaxy S5 was easily trampled by more premium-specced handsets in the market. The tech company also suffered a major sales plummet. A blockbuster device might be its only ticket in order to pull through, and this very device may just be the rumored Samsung Galaxy S6.
Word on the street is that at the Mobile World Event Congress to happen on Feb 15, 2015, the successor of the Galaxy S5 will
finally show up. Although details about the upcoming handset is trifle, users are already assured that an S6 will indeed come into existence. This came from a statement via KpopStarz, by President in Charge of Android and Chrome Sundar Pichai who shed no light to the speculations but rather confirmed the integration of an Android OS in the S6, even with the emergence of the new-fangled OS, Tizen.
On the other hand, fans have their own tittle-tattle about the makings of the future Samsung Galaxy S6. The ambitious handset will be a far-reaching upgrade of the S5, enough to hurl the South Korean maker to the summit.
To take its turn to pound its contenders, it is rumored that the S6 will house a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor that supports 32-bit and 64-bit as well as a whopping 4 GB RAM. While Master Herald pointed out that the device would not be using a display bigger than 5 inches to follow "the Apple way," Latino Post reported that the S6 will boast a 5.3-inch Super AMOLED display on top of an imposing resolution of 4K (2160 x 3840 pixels). The S6 will also stay away from a plastic exterior and resort to an aluminum finish, which should give it a tasteful body.
The camera will be a monumental leap for the tech giant as well. From the 16-megapixel shooter inbuilt the S5, the S6 will sport a 20.7-megapixel rear-facing camera. But the major breakthrough is in the form of an Iris Scanner. This feature is set to replace passwords and log-ins to access the smartphone with simply the user's eye contact. In short, security will become too undemanding by having a user merely look at his or her S6 to have it locked or unlocked.
Other perks include a heart sensor and a UV sensor as well as revamped battery life and a fingerprint scanner, as reported by Latino Post.
Official announcements from Samsung are still absent but fans are forecast to meet S5's refined sibling on March 2, 2015

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