Monday 27 October 2014

Merge Your Battery android 5.0

Battery Home Icon
The status and navigation bars are probably the most commonly used areas of your device (that is, assuming you have a navigation bar), and they’re definitely two of the more heavily customizable parts using Xposed modules. Android 5.0 Lollipop will also bring refreshed navigation and status bars, with new, streamlined shapes for the icons.
A new Xposed module by XDA Recognized Developer MohammadAG aims to make your navigation bar even more useful, while also cleaning your status bar some more. Battery Home Icon replaces the normal home button in your navigation bar with a Lollipop-styled version, which also shows you the current battery level. The result is a battery indicator that looks like the well known circle battery indicator that many of you have seen in custom ROMs (there are also several Xposed modules that allow you to change the style of your battery indicator if your ROM doesn’t support this feature, such as XBatteryThemer). In true L spirit, Battery Home Indicator also comes with pretty animations for your pleasure.
The module is fully customizable, and allows you to toggle the charging animation or the battery percentage text, or change the padding of the icon or the circle’s thickness. You also have the option to hide the battery icon from your status bar, in order to avoid duplicity.
The module is currently compatible with most AOSP based and manufacturer ROMs (with a few exceptions, such as LG ROMs; patches welcome!). If this idea sounds interesting, simply visit the Battery Home Icon forum thread to install the module and try it out!

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