Wednesday 24 September 2014

Milk Music streaming service to South Korea

Earlier this year, Samsung launched a new music streaming service called Milk Music to take on the streaming industry, but unlike most its product launches, Milk Music wasn’t available in the company’s home country. It looks like Samsung has now rectified that and has made Milk Music available in South Korea, according to a screenshot sent to us by one of our readers. The service should be similar to the offering in the US – you should be able to stream music from various stations, skip tracks, and create personal stations from your favorite ones.
It’s unclear if Samsung will offer the option to get a premium subscription (which costs $3.99 in the US and lets you skip unlimited tracks and listen to them offline) in South Korea just yet. It probably will at some point of time; right now, if you’re in South Korea, don’t forget to download Milk Music from the Google Play Store (or Samsung Apps) and start listening to some free music.

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